Hotfix Patch Notes v0.5.8

Chill Town

A unique blend of a Soothing Simulation and an Idle Game with Music, Decoration, Fishing, Cooking, Farming and more...

[list] [*] Fixed a bug that prevented placing interactable objects near other objects, such as chairs near tables. (Note: There are still some cases where gaps may appear between objects and walls. We will address this in a future update.) [*] Fixed a bug that prevented Pals from accepting their favorite food, making it impossible to catch them using the Pal Feeder. [*] Fixed a visual bug that caused houses to appear as under construction, even though they remained fully functional. [*] Wheat plants now yield Wheat when harvested, instead of seeds. [*] Added Flour as a craftable item using Wheat. [*] Removed some decorations with size issues. [*] Replaced an item drop from a chest in the main island. [*] Fixed some issues encountered while building fences. [/list]