Hotfix 2024.4.19.1

Heroic Kingdom: Origins

Awaken without memory, embark on a journey to uncover your identity and unravel the world's dark mysteries. Traverse stunning landscapes, face punishing bosses in this captivating action RPG.

[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Adjusted Cultist poison damage. [*] Adjusted enemies that use poison blade poison damage over time. [*] Fixed an issue where Ice Wave was incorrectly referencing shockwave. [*] Fixed an issue where tracked quests would be in front of quest log when visible. [*] Fixed an issue where Wood Elf Venomancer started with no weapons [*] Fixed an issue where Wood Elf Geomancers did not start with weapons. [/list] [h1]New[/h1] [list] [*] Added borders around starting points of talent trees. [*] Removed the Bear and Bear Cub outside of starting area to help prevent new characters from being mauled to death. [*] Reduced Bandit Ranger Health by 66%. [*] Reduced Bandit Duelist Health by 66%. [*] Reduced Bandit Mage Health by 50%. [*] Reduced Bandit Rogue Health by 66%. [*] Reduced Bandit Tank Health by 66%. [*] Reduced Bandit Warrior Health by 66%. [*] Reduced all Bandit Leaders health by 50%. [*] Added new option in pause menu called "Help". This will have information that is not easily obtained through the current game. Resistances and Combat are added currently. [/list]