Hot-Fix 0.2.02 Release Notes 12/20/24

Hi scavs - Hotfix 0.2.02 is now live. Please see below for details. -Fix for custom rig container being lost after extraction. (If your save existed before this hot fix, you should see a one-time gift of a large supply of rig customization containers the next time you enter the Innards from the main menu, after downloading the fix. This gift is only given if you have a pre hot fix save and will only be given once. Jeff Gregg couldn't..CONTAIN the rage that the rig customization bug must have cause. His sincerest apologies.) -Fix for soft lock that can occur if player presses the "move to stash" button or "open boxes" button after returning from battle -Fix for enemy dropped weaponry still showing their location marker after a player picks them up -Fix for entry points in Frozen Swamp not unlocking based on faction score -Fix for deep water in Frozen Swam continuing to do damage after player has left said water