On behalf of everyone at Nixxes and Guerrilla, we are excited to bring Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition – the sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn – to a new audience. We welcome you to [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/?snr=2_groups_partnerevents_]discuss the game on the Steam forums[/url]. Here you'll also find answers to frequently asked questions and support information. If you want to report a bug or require technical support with the game, please [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217059195222/?snr=2_groups_partnerevents_]follow the instructions outlined here[/url].
We can't wait to hear about your experiences with Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition on PC and look forward to seeing your amazing Photo Mode results. Be sure to share your best shots on the Steam Community Hub and on social media using the hashtag #HorizonForbiddenWestPC.
You can find us on X ([url=https://twitter.com/NixxesSoftware]@NixxesSoftware[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/Guerrilla]@Guerrilla[/url]) and on [url=https://www.instagram.com/guerrillagames/]Instagram[/url].
Have fun!
- Nixxes & Guerrilla