Hint System


Ilamentia is a mysterious abstract puzzler where you must first discern the curiosities before resolving them. Some levels focus on brain-melting logic, others rely on sharp reactions, many more will test the limits of every facet of your cognitive faculties.

It seems some people can really struggle to pick up some of the game's principle mechanics early on in the game or when facing a particularly strange level. So a hint system has been added to somewhat point you in the right direction. Pressing the Enter key will now show a short cryptic hint. Most levels have several hints which you can cycle through by pressing Enter multiple times. It's recommended you not use the system unless you're struggling with a level early on in the game, but the hints are vague enough that they shouldn't outright spoil puzzles. They don't tell you specifically how to solve a puzzle, but simply hint at what you should be keeping an eye out for. It's a bit of a tricky tightrope trying to make the hints helpful without spoiling the fun of figuring out mechanics yourself, so if you come across any levels where you think the hints could be more descriptive or less spoilery then let me know and I'll have a look at changing them. :]