heck deck v1.0.0 patch notes

Heck Deck

Heck Deck is a bullet hell card game where all the bullets are cards and time only progresses as you move. Explore 5 stages full of unique enemies and bosses, discover dozens of cards, and visit shops to buy and sell cards for health!

[list] [*] Adjusted Bee boss health to 8 [*] Adjusted Slot Machine boss health to 9 [*] Adjusted hitboxes on the Cherries, Cloud, and Lightning enemies [*] Changed transition activation to happen only after moving [*] Fixed crash with foil card in fountain [*] Fixed continue button active after beating a run [*] Fixed old fullheal card appearing sometimes [*] Fixed inspect not togglable with keyboard/controller [*] Fixed crash with inspect on keyboard/controller [*] Fixed duplicate card not copying foil flag [*] Fixed crash when playing card a mouse is grabbing [/list]