Heck Deck Spells and Specters Update Out Now!

Heck Deck

Heck Deck is a bullet hell card game where all the bullets are cards and time only progresses as you move. Explore 5 stages full of unique enemies and bosses, discover dozens of cards, and visit shops to buy and sell cards for health!

[previewyoutube=M6CGaLE9d1Y;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Additions[/h3] [list] [*] Added 4 new characters [list] [*] Deckard [*] Tau & Phi [*] Randal [*] ??? [/list] [*] Added 10 new cards in a new category [list] [*] Foiler [*] Warp Ring [*] Bag of Holding [*] Wisp [*] Portable Fountain [*] Sell Hand [*] Mirror [*] Pop [*] Chaos [*] Convert [/list] [*] Added Card Compendium [list] [*] The compendium is a collection of all the cards in the game. As you pick up and play them, each compendium entry gains more information such as the card's name and a description of its ability. [*] The compendium also lists all the characters [/list] [*] Added notification icon to new cards [list] [*] Helps with filling out the compendium [/list] [*] Added full-speed mode [list] [*] Can be unlocked and enabled for each character. In this mode, everything moves at full speed regardless of your movement. [/list] [*] Added Redos [list] [*] Every time you beat a stage, you gain one "redo" for the run. When you die, you can choose to spend a "redo" to respawn back at the start of the level you died on with all the cards and health you had. Certain unlocks and achievements are disabled for the run after doing this. [/list] [*] Added Stickers [list] [*] Stickers reflect achievements. You can move them around on the title screen. [/list] [*] Added Restock button to the shop [*] Added multitouch support for mobile [list] [*] Allows you to hold a finger on the board to move, use another finger to play a card, and return to moving without needing to release the first finger. Makes full-speed mode a lot more friendly [/list] [*] Added visual dots to the cooldown ring [*] Added yellow outline to cards that will remove a pip upon pickup [*] Added card shake effect when trying to play a card that can't be played [*] Added aim guide for Orb card [*] Added dash trail for most of the attacks [*] Added flash effect for timefreeze border [*] Added failsafe behavior to force the next enemy to spawn if enough time has passed [*] Added rumbling sound during final boss appearance [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Changed "checkpoints" to "practice mode" [list] [*] You can choose to play a particular level. Beating that level ends the run. [*] Practice levels are now unlocked upon *reaching* the level rather than beating the level in the full game [/list] [*] Changed Quick Bomb to Free Bomb [list] [*] Reduced the cost from 1 to 0 hearts [*] Increased the cooldown from 0 to 1 [/list] [*] Changed Timefreeze cost from 2 to 1 [*] Changed Foil card shader a bit [list] [*] Looks a lot nicer, should be faster too [/list] [*] Changed enemy layout of the first level a bit [list] [*] Should be a bit shorter and easier now [/list] [*] Changed Exit to Menu button to trigger without needing to release the button [*] Changed well card toss to trigger on press instead of release [*] Changed lethal red card border to be cleaner and better aligned [*] Changed color of purple entities (shopkeeper, final boss, etc.) to have better contrast [*] Changed enemy pop animation color [*] Reduced casino’s music volume a bit [/list] Fixes [list] [*] Fixed music loops breaking under certain conditions (such as switching app processes) [*] Fixed shop jar incorrectly filling with hearts/pips from the previous shop transactions [*] Fixed jar health pickups not saving after reloading [*] Fixed table transition from being affected by gamespeed [*] Fixed incorrect text rendering on linux [*] Fixed certain title buttons from being unclickable if selected with keyboard/controller [*] Fixed controller directional movement causing button presses in certain contexts [*] Fixed newly added controls defaulting to null [*] Fixed final boss enemy spawn not dying on win in some circumstances [*] Fixed volume of card spawning sound effect from bat’s attack [/list]