Have you played Floating Point?

Dota 2

Every day, millions of players worldwide enter battle as one of over a hundred Dota heroes. And no matter if it's their 10th hour of play or 1,000th, there's always something new to discover. With regular updates that ensure a constant evolution of gameplay, features, and heroes, Dota 2 has taken on a life of its own.

Put down your fidget spinners, all you people who use fidget spinners. If you want something to do while you’re doing something else, there’s very little better than Floating Point – a simple free-to-play game on Steam about grappling and swinging around constellations of floating blocks. It’s by Tom Francis, the creator of other excellent games such as Gunpoint, Heat Signature, and Morphblade – but despite that impressive track record I’ve put more hours into Floating Point than any other game of his.
