[h1]What better time of the year than a Halloween full of updates? š[/h1]
Last time, we talked about the dawn of a new Grimlord Era. Now, we're switching things up - tenfold.
An engine upgrade, a closed beta, an in-game Halloween event, Rhaela bringing her treats and tricks into Discord, and our participation for Steam Scream Fest 3 - all jam-packed into one spook-tastic major update!
Let's have a look at what the time of shadows have brought upon us!
[h2]Unreal Engine 5 - A Sprint to the Future[/h2]
We're starting off with the biggest news - Grimlord is now on Unreal Engine 5.
With the move to the latest Unreal Engine š¬, we're bringing key technological advancements to Grimlord with the aim of significantly enhancing the player experience.
Some of the massive improvements to Grimlord brought by the move to Unreal Engine 5 include, but are not limited to:
[b]A New Physics System[/b] - UE5's new Physics system offers more granular control over physics simulations, allowing for more customized and realistic effects. This enhances combat accuracy, world immersion, and realism, especially in VR.
[b]Bigger Development Breathing Room[/b] - UE5's potential for development brings us better ways to manifest our vision into reality - making it possible to expand some in-game mechanics. The best example is the Talent System, which has been updated to the latest version, allowing players to level up to 30 and have full access to the complete talent tree.
[b]A Truly Immersive World[/b] - UE5 allows for incredibly detailed environments without sacrificing performance. It's particularly beneficial for Grimlord as a VR game, where high-quality visuals are crucial for total immersion. It also offers significant performance improvements, especially for VR, where frame rate and latency are critical.
The move to Unreal Engine 5 is just the tip of the iceberg. Overall, this has allowed us to determine what to include on the renewed roadmap.
[b]We'd love to hear from you about the move to Unreal Engine 5. Let us know your thoughts, feedback, suggestions, and anything else on Discord![/b]
[h2]The Darkness Cometh![/h2]
The Exiled Mage has left an official scroll, but this time, it's different. This report was very difficult to decipher, and we hope you can help us. Here's the letter.
P hwvsvnpgl mvy aol yhaoly thkklupun alea fvb zll pu aopz slaaly. Zllpun aol khyrulzz shf aol shuk hz aol spnoa myvt aol clnlahisl-olhklk hivtpuhapvu thkl tl leayltlsf dhyf, huk aobz, P ohk av opkl tf pualuapvuz pu aopz dypapun. P ovwl fvb mpuk pa dlss, Tf Svykz.
Svykz vm aol Tvuhzalyf - Aol Wbtwrpu Svyk ohz ylabyulk!
Mvy zvtl clyf vkk ylhzvu, opz ylabyu kpk uva iypun huf spnoa puav aol hsylhkf svulsf tvbuahpuz klzwpal aol mplyf nsvd vm opz olhk.
Aol leayltlsf ahslualk dhysvjr aolu-ruvdu hz Zpy Zhukphsvz vm Zvyyvdcpssl jvtlz ihjr av ohbua bz hss - huk clyf sprlsf av zllr clunlhujl hnhpuza aol thu vu aol johpy, dovzl kltpzl jvbsk iypun jhahzayvwopj jvuzlxblujlz av vby tvuhzalyf huk aol luapyl ylhst.š¬
Dopsl Yohlsh, aol hwwyluapjl vm aol thu vu aol johpy, ahrlz olst vm aol mlzapcpaplz ohwwlupun ha aol tvuhzalyf, P zllr tf Svykz mvy olsw av mpuhssf klmlha aopz tvuzaly. P bynl fvb uva av sla Yohlsh ruvd vm aopz, hz aol ptwlukpun kvvt vm oly thzaly tpnoa zluk oly puav aol zhtl zwpyhs vm thkulzz aoha kvvtlk Zhukphsvz h svun aptl hnv.
Klmlha opt! Ihupzo opt! Sla opt ruvd aoha opz aptl ohz whzzlk, aoha aol khyrulzz vm aol tvuhzalyf ullkz uv mbyaoly khyrlupun, huk aoha aol spnoa vm aol mshtlz vu vby avyjolz ullkz uv leayh ltilyz!
Thf aol leayhchnhua ylhwz vm opz kltpzl uva abyu fvb puav aol tvuzaly ol dhz.
The messenger who delivered this letter, although appearing distraught, told us that the Exiled Mage wanted only the true Lords to know of this. We hope you are one of them.
[h2]Rhaela's Tricks and Treats! - A Discord Halloween Event[/h2]
The night is grim and full of mysteries. The already very dark atmosphere of the lonely mountains is becoming overwhelming for the Lords. Itās up to Rhaelaš¬ to lighten up the mood with some tricks and treats!
Rhaela's got something up her sleeve! Join our Discord for more information about the Halloween event.
[h2]Steam Scream Fest 3 - Grimlord is 17% OFF![/h2]
Since we're doing a headfirst slide into Halloween-town, we're bringing you Grimlord at a slashed price this spooky season!
Enjoy 17% OFF when you purchase Grimlord during the Steam Scream Fest 3!
[h3]SALE STARTS: October 28th, 2024 PDT
SALE ENDS: November 4th, 2024 PDT[/h3]š¬
[h2]The Closed Beta - An Invitation[/h2]
With the eventual release of Grimlord approaching, we're inviting our most hardcore players into our Closed Beta!
Reminder - there are only limited slots for the Closed Beta, and only those truly worthy will be picked (well, those who beat Chapter 1, among other factors).
Want to be part of the Closed Beta as a tester? Follow the link below:
[h2]Grimlord Free Demo - Delisting[/h2]
Together with Grimlord's upgrade to Unreal Engine 5, we will be delisting the Grimlord Free Demo app on the Meta Quest.
Apart from bringing the best gaming experience we can offer our players, with this, we're moving towards a direction laser-focused on development for the good future of Grimlord.
[h2]A Message from the Devs[/h2]
Even with the new features and everything happening with Grimlord for the Halloween, we'd love for you to know that we are still as actively committed to bringing Grimlord to its full version as we were when we started it all.š¬
We especially put time and effort into ensuring everyone's enjoyment of this version of the game while we work towards its eventual release.
We would be very much welcome to receive any feedback, suggestions, concerns, and comments during this crucial period, so please feel free to join our Discord and let us know your thoughts!
[h2]Join the Grimlord Community![/h2]
If you have concerns/questions/suggestions/feedback etc., don't hesitate to chat on our Discord:
[url=https://discord.com/invite/SZCcHQ8xjm]Official Grimlord Discord Server[/url]
Other travelers are waiting for you at the pub. Follow us and stay tuned to more updates and announcements on our official channels:
[url=https://x.com/grimlord_vr]Official Grimlord X Page[/url]
[url=https://www.instagram.com/grimlordvr/]Official Grimlord Instagram[/url]
[url=https://www.tiktok.com/@grimlordvr]Official Grimlord TikTok[/url]
[url=https://www.facebook.com/grimlordvr/]Official Grimlord Facebook[/url]š¬