Grimlord v0.4.5 Hotfix


Grimlord is a Dark Fantasy Action Souls-like RPG - on VR. Awakened in a monastery deep in the Lonely Mountains, you walk in an epic quest as the adventurer standing before the darkness and striving for the light against the tyrannical Grim Lord.

[h1]2023.11.29 Hotfix[/h1] Dear Lords of the Monastery: The Pumpkin Lord quest for the 2023 Halloween Challenge is officially over. Rewards earned will be kept in your character inventory permanently. Also, by this update, the rewards of the Pumpkin quest will be cross-shared with any other characters you might create in the future. [h2]The specifics:[/h2] [h3]New content:[/h3] 1. The equipment and items earned from the Halloween Challenge can be obtained by newly created characters. You can find them in the Blacksmith's board and armor scrolls. 2. The Pumpkin Lord quest line will be removed. [h3]Fixes:[/h3] 3. Fixed the issue where the BOSS may get stuck during battle. 4. Fixed the issue where the enemy is suspended in the air after grabbing them then rotate your head. 5. Fixed the hand glitch caused by certain doors. 6. Fixed the abnormal vibrating glitch caused by low HP 7. Optimize the hand so it no longer twitches when taking out items from the slots.