[h3]Dear Adventurers:[/h3]
We are so excited to announce that version 0.4.7 has been integrated. In this update, we modified the weapon system. Now, when you wield two-handed weapons with both hands, your damage will be higher. With a bit more practice, you'll be able to defeat enemies more easily.
Two weeks ago, we launched the standalone device version of Grimlord (on Quest Applab). Everything is working perfectly so far, and the standalone version will provide almost the same experience as the PC version, except for some graphics differences. We know that everyone is waiting for the second chapter. Everything is going well so far. We did some internal testing and are happy to report that several sections in the level can already be played with minimum issues. We are also preparing the AI for new enemy types and BOSS battles. Another important piece of news is that we started the production of the third chapter a few weeks ago. We will evaluate chapters 2 and 3 as a whole for the completeness of the story, maybe the two chapters will be launched at the same time and bring the story home with a memorizing climax. There is much to be considered, and we hope you, our beloved fans, will wait patiently for a little bit longer.
While level designers and visual artists are working hard to make those levels, our engineers are also optimizing certain systems and mechanics, and we hope to continue to enhance the physical combat experience, which runs very well on standalone devices. We are also expanding and modifying the talent tree, and it is expected that new test content will be available soon.
[h3][b]New addition[/b]:[/h3]
Boost two-handed weapons performance through a new system. Now when you hold a two-handed weapon with both hands, it will deal more damage and have increased poise break.
1. Correct the Cavalry Shield's name to Heater Shield.
2. The Christmas event has been closed. Players who have already obtained the luxury pouch will keep them, and any newly created characters under the same account will also receive them. This pack will be in the costume-switching scroll.
3. Players will have 5 points for all basic attributes.
4. Change the 32 points of Vitality provided by Knight Armor to 25 points.
5. Change the 22 points of Vitality provided by Leather Armor to 15 points.
6. Change the 15 points of Strength provided by Leather Armor to 10 points.
7. Change the 21 points of Vitality provided by the Garment of Pride to 15 points.
8. Fixed the weapon disappearing issue at the death screen.
1. Optimized the handling of some weapons, making the grip more stable.
2. Optimized the effect of human enemies after being hit, incorporating more physical feedback.
[h3][b]Modified skills[/b][/h3]
1. The passive skill provided by the sword component Long Grip has been changed from Increasing slashing damage by 10% when holding with two hands to Increasing poise damage by 10% when holding with two hands.
2. Sword component Dueling sword grip adds 1 passive skill. Increasing pierce damage by 5%
3. Daggar component Wooden grip adds 1 passive skill Increase slashing damage by 5%
4. Axe component Viking ax handle adds 1 passive skill Increase slashing damage by 5%
5. Long shaft component Spear shaft of Ordeal adds 1 passive skill Increase pierce damage by 10% when holding with two hands
6. The passive skill provided by the long shaft component Iron Sheet has been changed from Increasing poise damage by 10% when holding with two hands to Increasing slashing damage by 10% when holding with two hands.
7. The passive skill of the Long shaft has been removed. (The trait is that it is long)
8. Long shaft component Wooden shaft adds 1 passive skill. Increase pierce damage by 5%.
9. Hammer component Hammer handle adds 1 passive skill. Increase poise damage by 10% when holding with two hands
10. Shield component Cavalry Shield adds 1 passive skill. Maximum blocking rate increase by 30