GLOBAL PATCH 4.0.9 - Recent Beta Feedback Implemented

Crossroads Inn Anniversary Edition

Crossroads Inn, a real-time management sim, unfolds in Delcrys' unique fantasy realm. Construct and oversee your inn, delight traveling heroes, and achieve renowned status for your services across the kingdom.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33317542/dd8d63d6c32cb5fbe09a861d10fcc9d3db1eed50.png[/img] Hello, dear Innkeepers! ☀️ Marvelous news! ☀️ Our recently introduced Open Beta branch updates for the game turned out to be performing well. Well enough actually that we decided to implement them all into the basic version of the game and now each Innkeeper can enjoy the fully updated version! 👨‍🔧 We've been hard at work improving the game further and we aim to implement new bug fixes within the Open Beta frame soon! [h2] Right now, check out what's been updated 🛠️ PATCH NOTES 4.0.9 🛠️[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed Martyn's priorities not being saved [*] Fixed crashes when new door was placed [*] Fixed staircases causing holes after removing [*] Fixed bards not performing on stages [*] Fixed “Farming Simulator” and “Gardening is my passion” Achievements [/list] [h3]👣 Our Beta is still going strong👣[/h3] You are more than welcome to join in to report on issues and bugs you encounter! All feedback is greatly appreciated and awaited on our side. All you need to do is to follow these steps: [list] [*] Right-click on the game in your Steam library. [*] Click “Properties”. [*] Open the “Beta” tab. [*] Select the “Open Beta” branch. [*] At this point the game should start updating. Within this BETA you should be able to test out new fixes and functionalities. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h3]Important:[/h3] It's really vital for us to receive the files with your save game, as a sample to work on, if your game happens to crash or you encounter bugs, you can send it via email directly to us at bartlomiej, OR, titled CINN TEST. 👋 Please, leave your feedback here or on Discussions, as well as our dedicated Crossroads Inn Discord.