Crossroads Inn, a real-time management sim, unfolds in Delcrys' unique fantasy realm. Construct and oversee your inn, delight traveling heroes, and achieve renowned status for your services across the kingdom.
[h3]Greetings, Innkeepers!
It's been a bit, but we're coming to you with, yet another BETA version update.
Our Open Beta tests for Crossroads Inn are still ongoing.
The current update will assess potential fixes' effectiveness before implementing it into the mainframe version of the game, which we are planning next week. [/h3]
If everything goes right, we will update the main version, with the proof-checked fixes.
That's why all your feedback is as always invaluable! We really appreciate it all!
[*] Fixed petting the cats
[*] Fixed dead guests not having information about their status over their heads. Now Dead bodies are cleaned up after the day change
[*] Fixed stuck guests arriving on horseback
[*] Fixed Lantern object, allowing employees to reach to fill it
[*] Fixed the names of the options displayed in towns
[*] Fixed some translation issues
[*] Fixed some UI issues
[*] Secret rooms now can be used after giving access to the guests
[*] Upgrade “Gossiper” now doubles the gossip acquired
[*] Town crier now always shows the needs of the guests
[h2]UPDATE 14.09.2022[/h2]
[*] Fixed issue regarding cleaning the main hole, which additionally allows continuing with the campaign.
We are planning on testing the currently updated build. We've delayed the update on the main branch, to be sure the current fixes are working properly.
Remember! If you'd like to enroll and test the BETA branch, follow the following steps:
[*] Right-click on the game in your Steam library.
[*] Click “Properties”.
[*] Open the “Beta” tab.
[*] Select the “Open Beta” branch.
[*] At this point, the game should start updating. Within this BETA you should be able to test out new fixes and functionalities
If your old saves happen to crash, we would really appreciate it if you could send them to us to be further checked. Please use our report system []HERE[/url].
Or send them via email here: - in the title please write: CINN TEST[/h3]
(otherwise, it wouldn't get a high priority)