GHOSTWARE: Arena of the Dead

An unique blend of retro-fps, metroidvania and adventure. Escape the cyber afterlife you've been trapped into, hop between realities and shoot your way out with the help of your new allies. But are they really your friends? The Arena conspiracy goes deeper than you could possibly imagine...

[h2] changelog:[/h2] [h3]Bugfixes:[/h3] [list] [*] WASD movement keys remapping fixed [*] Dash "super jump" mechanic fixed/removed [*] Audio of the Wizard commenting your victory against Major Commando now plays properly [*] bullet cases sfx fixed [*] fixed slomo upon death of certain enemies [*] fixed weapon textures loading incorrectly [*] "spread" section of the HUD now correctly hidden when player is in the real world [*] daytime music in CTF3 doesn't get triggered a second time [*] various typos [*] various places where the player could clip through [/list] [h3]Changes & QOL additions:[/h3] [list] [*] added glass panel in the tutorial route to teach new players about breakable glasses [*] reworded the tutorial pop-up for the walljump to better illustrate how it works [*] added brief description popup upon picking a new weapon in the real world for the first time [*] SMG alt-fire has been changed to "hold-to-charge" [*] R-frame enemy type doesn't roll sideways upon taking damage anymore [/list] More improvements underway! [h2]DEAV TEAM & HYPERSTRANGE[/h2]