Gameplay Fixes and Updates

Playback Loop

Carefully capture tracks of your actions, then play them back to solve puzzles with the aid of your recorded ghosts. Immerse yourself in a cerebral first-person puzzle platformer, where strategically thinking several steps ahead is the key to success.

Hello Everyone! This is the largest update so far which brings new recording and playback code which either fully resolves or heavily reduces playback "desyncs" that would happen depending on various conditions during gameplay. Changes included in this update [list] [*]New recording and playback code [list] [*]Resolved issue where a ghost was mid-air a desync was likely to occur [*]Resolved issue where a ghost would not jump if you jumped on the same frame a recording was started [*]Resolved issue where a ghost that was started on the edge of it's collider was likely to desync [*]Resolved issue where a ghost would desync if you stationary jumped and started moving mid air [*]Heavily improved issue where a ghost would not maintain its relative position to the cube that it was started on, leading to desyncs [/list] [*]Resolved issue where standing on a held cube, while holding another cube may result in the boxes fighting for a resting position. [*]Resolved issue where "Last Run" on clipboard did not show times over 1 hour properly [*]Reduced (or maybe even eliminated) the loading screen becoming stuck forever after returning to the main menu and then loading another level [*]Reduced chance that box riding a pulsed box in Market time would put you out of bounds [*]Fixed fizzler on Dragon Fire not working properly [/list] If you find any more bugs, please let us know at our [url=]Discord![/url]