2nd Post Launch Update!

Playback Loop

Carefully capture tracks of your actions, then play them back to solve puzzles with the aid of your recorded ghosts. Immerse yourself in a cerebral first-person puzzle platformer, where strategically thinking several steps ahead is the key to success.

[list] [*]Fixed keybinds resetting on level change [*]Fixed grab buffering issue so grabbing cubes, mostly in Attleboro, feels much better [*]Modifier keys don't count to load the next level [*]Fixed issue where recording eraser would sometimes erase the wrong recording [*]Fixed issue where hologram tether PFX would sometimes have the wrong color [*]Fixed issue where ghosts could sometimes block the entire scene [*]Fixed issue where you could create a new recording starting in another recording's hologram [*]You can now pause in the exit sequence to allow for restarts of levels without returning to the main menu [*]You can skip main menu animations / cut scenes with Escape [*]Added support for AutoSplitter [*]Update credits [*]Added Discord Join button to main menu [*]Added leaderboard link to main menu [*]Updated Dewey Canyon visuals to lead the player more [*]Fixed model clipping issue on Enhance Plus [*]Fixed invalid light probes on Baby Lift [*]Fixed clipping on Deckhouse Five [*]Fixed exploit on Dragon Fire [*]Adjusted collisions on laser grids [/list]