Gallery update

Golem Creation Kit

Race against the clock to defeat the angry mobs that want to burn you out. Grab virtually anything -- sand dunes, animals, buildings, mountaintops. Then throw everything in your cauldron and turn it into unstoppable engines of pixellated 16-bit terror!

Hello to all our lovely Creationists out there! (Is that a good name? No?) I've got a new update for you that should be of some interest. To make a long story short, we have: [list] [*] Fully integrated the performance and stability update into the public build [*] Restored functionality on Steam achievements [*] Crafted a new golem gallery feature on the main menu [/list] The golem gallery will allow you to view all the crazy creations you have unlocked, as well as ones you haven't seen yet. If you're going for a completionist run, this should help you figure out what you're missing. And it's just nice to look at. I hope you enjoy it! And as always, if you encounter any problems, just let me know in the discussions forum and I'll get on top of it.