Testing Performance Improvement

Golem Creation Kit

Race against the clock to defeat the angry mobs that want to burn you out. Grab virtually anything -- sand dunes, animals, buildings, mountaintops. Then throw everything in your cauldron and turn it into unstoppable engines of pixellated 16-bit terror!

As most of you know, some people have been experiencing problems with lag and choppy gameplay. Someone (thanks Natalie!) has brought to my attention that the engine's mouse cursor support may be a problem. So we're trying out a new option that I hope will improve things for at least some players. Since this hasn't been properly tested yet, it's currently only available in our beta build, but you can access it with the following instructions: http://steamcommunity.com/app/650680/discussions/0/1457328927846048611/ Once you've installed the beta build, in the Options menu, hit "Disable Custom Cursor." Then let me know on the discussion forums if it helped!