Friends vs Friends: Friends 4 All

[h2]Letter from the Team[/h2] Hey there! We've been working on this new content for a while now, and we hope you like it. We'll keep refining it in the coming days, so if you have any feedback, feel free to let us know through comments/discord/whatever. Have a great week! :D [h2]New Trailer[/h2] [previewyoutube=ITPbUOaX6KE;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]NEW MAP: FVF_Pool_Day[/h2] We're old, at least some of us. So, we found it interesting to pay tribute to this legendary map from the most famous shooter in history. Thank you very much wherever you are for your contribution, [url=]"RedSquall."[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42849910/2514dc6d9295a57a1b04db08acdad154d0bf8e7c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42849910/b8712cc736bc3838c2099f44736b6ad45bee914f.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42849910/adc25514b9ef34d3536ff31f7cb1b5f9e212061a.png[/img] [h2]NEW GAME MODES: FFA & 3v3[/h2] We've added these game modes so you can have fun with odd numbers. As a side note, you can play FFA with 3 players in private match making. By selecting “Quick Play”, you'll zip into the quickest queue possible, covering all game modes in one go! If you find anything that's glitching, please let us know! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42849910/0a9d95e478d3426d62da0534572dbbd6b22ef926.png[/img] [h2]NEW CHARACTER (s?): ??????[/h2] Since Siaro died, strange things have been happening. We know that, but now it seems like the end of the mystery is near. Our advice: stay away from the cabin and the surrounding area. There’s some unsavoury sorts lurking around and we care about your safety. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42849910/d5e56cf533d79b79e90ca8c49854357bbba488f9.png[/img] [h2]SO THE CHANGELOG IS:[/h2] · New Free for All Mode: Now you can play as a group of 4 friends crushing each other head to head in the public queue OR 3 in a private match. · New 3v3 Mode: It's crazy, be careful · New Map: FVF_Pool_Day is a celebration of a classic map from the most famous FPS · New Character (s?): Now you can solve the mystery of the cabin and unlock a new Friend (s?) · New Quick Play Queue: The new “Quick Play” option puts you in the fastest queue possible, covering all game modes. · New in-game interface: Now with more details! [b] Balance Stuff:[/b] ·Landmine radius increased. ·Ice block hp decreased from 600 min level - 800 max level to 200 min level - 300 max level