[h2]Letter From the Team[/h2]
Hey friends! Hope you are doing great!
As you may know the game is on sale right now so it’s a perfect moment to recommend it to your friends, in fact we monitor all your conversations in your family groups, so if you don’t recommend the game we are going to put you on a black list.
SO we have kept working on the game and trying to bring you new stuff that will be interesting to play with. It will be out next week but based on our research we found out that you might be interested to know about it TODAY.
So we are going to explain the features but we will only tease the biggest parts of the patch.
[h2]Upcoming Stuff[/h2]
[b][u]Review of audio (bugged and new):[/u][/b] We’ve spent some time working on the sound effects, sounds cool, right? (heh)
[u][b]Alt+F4 Issue:[/b][/u] If you’ve experienced this stuff you know what we are talking about.
[u][b]Review of daily quests:[/b][/u] This is a big change, basically now the quests are going to be infinite, which means that you can keep doing it over and over. More info about this will be dropped with the patch.
[u][b]A NEW MAP:[/b][/u] Ok! Somebody said that we have more characters than maps and that’s true but somehow they are hard to do so we are going to drop a brand new map which is cool tbh.
Here is a couple of cool pics so we can tease it a bit and keep the coolest screens for next week.
[u][b]A NEW PLAYABLE CHARACTER:[/b][/u] Again, we are not going to show everything here so we can have more #engagement next week.
[h2]Reveal of the Week[/h2]
We usually reveal some stuff here but we did above so here is another hint of what’s going to drop next week.
[h2]Community Spotlight[/h2]
While we wait for the next patch here is a pic that you can send to your family groups when you recommend the game to them. It’s made by [u]radiosigint[/u].
[h2]Mayor's Message[/h2]
Hey folks, it’s me. The Mayor of Friendtown.
Not many people know but I’m a bug, bugs are cool, actually better than the other kind of people or animals. That 's the message. WE ARE BETTER THAN YOU. (Tell to your family in your chat groups)
- The Mayor of Friendtown