Senko no Ronde 2 is a fast-paced one-on-one action game offering an eclectic mix of the shooting and fighting genres in a mech-filled bullet ballet played out in space! And with Zuntata alumnus Yasuhisa Watanabe on board, you can expect a superb soundtrack too.
That's right, we have two new pilots; Lili and Karel, and their rounders, Azureus and Brinsta, along with a voice pack including new taunt voices for all the characters.
Lili and Karel can be used in any mode except Story and can be selected by moving the cursor all the way to the right when choosing a pilot.
[b]Move List[/b]
Rounder: Brinsta
M (Main): Pochette Launcher *1
S (Sub) : Twin Tail *2
B (Barrage) : Waltz of the Dragonfly
←→→+B: Rondo of Fate, Chapter 1
←←→+B: Rondo of Fate, Chapter 2
360 + B: Dance of Fear *3
*1 Hold M button to charge.
*2 Formation changes depending on action at launch. Launches Homing Lasers after a set amount of time.
*3 Barrage varies dependent on direction controller is rotated.
B.O.S.S. Mode: Madam Butterfly
Directions: Movement
Direction + A: Moving attack
M: Main Shot
S: Homing Laser
B: Sword
A+M+S: Spinning Attack (Final B.O.S.S.)
[b]Move List[/b]
Rounder: Azureus
M (Main): Hybrid Rifle
S (Sub): Hyper Booster
B (Barrage): Retsu *1
→→+B: Ougi
←→+B: Sen *2
←↓→+B: Nagi
*1 Pressing C while dashing with Beta Cartridge launches Nagi.
*2 Holding the button launches missiles, releasing fires the rifle.
B.O.S.S. Mode: Tenka-Daiittou
Directions: Movement
Direction + A: Moving attack
M: Attack Form
S: Defence Form
A+M+S: Extermination Attack (Final B.O.S.S.)
[h1]Voice Pack:[/h1]
These can be set up via the options screen; each character now features multiple choices, so pick your favourite (Japanese) phrase and taunt away!