Fix to Atlas Library Panel for smaller screens

Atlas Tile Editor (ATE)

2D TILE CREATOR! Create reusable sprite atlases and tile sets that reuse the same texture atlas in creative ways. Create advanced geometric tilesets for OpenGL (and DirectX) games in a way never before offered, pair customized tilesets with heightmap and normalmap data using a simple cyborg algorithmic and artistic way of building height...

The Atlas Library panel was suffering from some "1080p minimum required" cruft. I modified this to support smaller buttons and fonts so that everything fits on the screen at resolutions smaller than 1080p. If anyone encounters issues with this update, please let us know by sending us a direct message, or joining our discord and posting in the #ATE channel. [list] [*] Added a few new command line options to assist in fixing window rendering on some machines. [*] Updated ATE-Docs.PDF to include a complete list of the command line features and shortcut walkthrough both in Windows and in STEAM Client. [*] Revised the way Atlas Library draws so that it works on smaller window resolutions by downsizing the buttons and font used here. [/list]