ATE July 2020 Update

Atlas Tile Editor (ATE)

2D TILE CREATOR! Create reusable sprite atlases and tile sets that reuse the same texture atlas in creative ways. Create advanced geometric tilesets for OpenGL (and DirectX) games in a way never before offered, pair customized tilesets with heightmap and normalmap data using a simple cyborg algorithmic and artistic way of building height...

Hi! [b]Bug fixes and improvements![/b] Today's update fixes a few frustrations users may have encountered prior to this release: [list] [*] Atlas Assembler: "Auto name file" wasn't working as expected. Should be fixed. [*] Atlas Assembler Preview Screen: This screen had a bug where it would draw tiles in a different order than the final assembled atlas. This has been fixed! [*] Minor cosmetic change to Atlas Assembler preview button: Previously button said "ASSEMBLE AND IMPORT" and now reads "PREVIEW AND IMPORT" which is more descriptive. [*] Mouse no longer in prison: Default "Launch Editor" and "Launch (Default)" -- we've added another option that is a companion to "-mouseescapes" called "-use-system-mouse" that uses system mouse. Now the combination "-windowed -mouseescapes -use-system-mouse" will put it into the default "windowed" mode that allows you to click both inside and outside of the window. Before, the behavior was that the application captured the mouse and made it disappear, replacing it with a green flashing cursor (that indicates FPS). This way, it is easier to switch between the Windows Operating System and the ATE: Atlas Tile Editor window, and it makes the application less "heavy" feeling. [/list] [b]New content![/b] We added a sample Mulligan Explosion to the Mulligan feature.