First Snow Patch 1.01 release

First Snow

Having moved away from her friends and family to attend community college, Allison Merlo is a fresh student struggling with the day to day challenges of life.

Hi everyone! we're pushing out an update for First Snow now that should cover a good amount of issues reported in the past few months. Keep in mind your saves will likely break once you download the update. [b]1.0.1 Patch notes[/b] ----------------- - Corrected several typos and grammatical issues (thanks everyone who reported them!) - Added guest art piece from AcoTan that was missing in the initial release - Corrected credits and social media links in the guest art gallery - Touched up the modelling CG - Touched up blurred sprites that became too spooky on several occasions - Fixed the text bar disappearing on several occasions - Fixed duplicate entries appearing in the text log - Fixed crashes caused by the pre-splash logo - Made the hidden achievement alternatively unlockable by creating a file called `secret-unlock.txt` in the `game` folder - Added detection and warning for broken save games due to game updates