First glimpse of Lost In Prayer Playtest

HELL-o Demons and Angels, Guillaume Boucher-Vidal, Nine Dots' CEO and Creative Director will be streaming this upcoming Wednesday, on September 4th, on [url=]Twitch[/url] and [url=]Youtube channel[/url] at 8PM CET / 2 PM EST / 9 AM PT. Get the chance to be the first to discover the Lost In Prayer Closed Playtest, ask your questions directly to the team and learn about the tactics and strategies in the game. If you haven't registered yet you can do it on the Steam page or get a chance to grab a Closed Playtest key directly in the livestream! If you have any unanswered questions or if you missed the stream you can join our [url=]Discord server [/url]to have a chat with us. For those of you who want to restream the live or Stream Lost In Prayer Closed Playtest [url=]here is the Press/Content Creator kit [/url] Matthieu