File #07 // Kickstarter + Gamescom 2024

Altered Alma

Altered Alma combines the beloved classic Metroidvania formula with RPG elements, dating sim features, a slick pixel-art presentation, and a gripping story. Whether you want to beat up bad guys, find love, or just explore the beautiful cyberpunk cityscape, Neo Barcelona awaits!

Hey there, awesome gang, Can you believe we’re already over halfway through the year? Time flies! We’ve got some fantastic updates to share with you: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/bd3b760ff0cdb8112b0467866a117c91fbdbd3b3.png[/img] [h1]Demo + Kickstarter Combo[/h1] Yesterday ([i]Wednesday 21st[/i]) was the [b]Gamescom Awesome Indies 2024[/b], where you must have seen our [u]newest and awesome trailer[/u]. And [b]YES[/b], you were asking for it, and we could not resist anymore, you can [b]PLAY THE DEMO[/b] on [b]September 3rd[/b] on Steam. [previewyoutube=TqW2j1Xt-oI;full][/previewyoutube] The Demo didn’t come alone to the party, as our[url=] Kickstarter campaign[/url] will also be live on [b]September 3rd[/b], you can support the game development there and get some interesting goodies as a thanks for your support. We have prepared some [b]Early bird rewards[/b] for those that come to the Kickstarter at launch, so [url=]run to our page and follow[/url] to receive a notification when we are live and check all the amazing rewards we have prepared for you. [i]Some have limited quantities available, so you really have to be fast![/i] [img][/img] [h1]Gamescom 2024[/h1] [img][/img] [i][b]We are in Cologne, Germany!![/b][/i] We’re super excited to assist the [b]Gamescom 2024[/b], and guess what? As you may guess, we aren’t empty-handed so if you are also at Gamescom, swing by the [b]Hall 10.2 | Stand F010g - E019[/b] and you will have the chance to [b]play the DEMO of Altered Alma[/b]! [img][/img] And that’s all for now, guys! Stay tuned for updates! And that’s all for now! For all questions you may have, we encourage you to join our [url=]Discord[/url] and follow our social media. Before leaving, read our past updates on Steam: [list] [*] File 00 // [url=]Altered Alma, revealed on the PC Gaming Show 2023[/url] [*] File 01 // [url=]What to expect from this metroidvania adventure[/url] [*] File 02 // [url=]Gamescom 2023: New trailer and more[/url] [*] File 03 // [url=]September Update + Tokyo Games Show 2023[/url] [*] File 04 // [url=]Neo-Barcelona now and then[/url] [*] File 05 // [url=]Meet the gangs of Neo-Barcelona[/url] [*] File 06 // [url=]May Update + Nordic Game 2024[/url] [/list] See you in our next entry, [i]2Awesome Studio[/i] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/5e11844cc2fede2df446da84d01b3abda894c640.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/e6ead59d8644714757f4c3e03327a57553722fb3.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/96c14897336160cc08e86b3bf151ee69711d6e3d.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/311d37b263cd167cf21714cbf1b6968edcd948d4.png[/img][/url]