File #05 // Meet the gangs of Neo-Barcelona

Altered Alma

Altered Alma combines the beloved classic Metroidvania formula with RPG elements, dating sim features, a slick pixel-art presentation, and a gripping story. Whether you want to beat up bad guys, find love, or just explore the beautiful cyberpunk cityscape, Neo Barcelona awaits!

Good morning, gang! [b]WE WILL BE ON KICKSTARTER[/b] Are you interested in contributing to the growth of Altered Alma and maximizing its potential as a project? You can! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/bd3b760ff0cdb8112b0467866a117c91fbdbd3b3.png[/img][/url] In the upcoming year, we are starting a Kickstarter campaign to propel Altered Alma to new heights, and our pre-launch campaign page is [url=]now live[/url]. With this campaign, our aim is to broaden the game's horizons, introduce more features, and sculpt a Neo-Barcelona experience that lingers in players' memories! Plus, brace yourself for spectacular rewards, both in digital and physical forms, of course! Be sure to click the follow button on the [url=]Kickstarter page[/url] to stay updated and not miss the launch next year. It helps a lot! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/676690eeebad50cb48ace579546009bcf656f445.jpg[/img] Now it’s time for another [b]monthly dev log[/b] — this time we’re starting a series of devlogs, covering the most notorious criminals of Altered Alma. Being the city of opportunities, Neo-Barcelona attracts all sorts of individuals. And since there are not enough legal opportunities for everyone, some decide to take matters into their own hands — turning to organized crime. [i]Crusaders, Harlequins, Shallari, La Familia[/i] and [i]Vynefolk[/i] — these are the names you should remember when visiting Neo-Barcelona. It’s them who actually control the city, manipulating the officials from the shadows. After years of bloody gang wars, each group now controls their own part of the city. And while most of them try to uphold the “official” truce, some never accept the terms and always look to stab others in the back. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/a7f405f26b1da16eb14f6eccc6936387c569f25c.jpg[/img] Today we’ll talk about the [b]Crusaders[/b] — the self-proclaimed modern knights. Their ranks consist of [b]highly disciplined cyborgs[/b], who value honor (even if it’s street honor), order and tradition. Yes, despite being cyborgs, they don’t just blindly worship chrome and steel, but also try to preserve the centuries of rich culture found in Neo-Barcelona. Under the leadership of [b]Megaduke Synthetico[/b], they primarily engage in mercenary activities. Given the considerable cost of hiring mercenaries, the Crusaders find themselves undertaking assignments exclusively for affluent clients or those who have amassed sufficient resources to enlist their services. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/9b0f29f21786f37c832c84f7d966b97434b07762.jpg[/img] Working for the rich also helps forge relationships with the most influential people of Neo-Barcelona. And In a city where power and influence mean everything, you’d be a fool to miss such an opportunity. This, combined with the Crusaders’ cyber-enhanced strength and good subordination, makes them one of the most respected gangs in the city. Which is why Jackelyne once was a member of this organization. Would you give up a part of your humanity to become a modern knight? Hop on our [url=]Discord server [/url]and let us know your choice! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/5e11844cc2fede2df446da84d01b3abda894c640.png[/img][/url] [h3]DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: NOVEMBER[/h3] [list] [*] Metro area is now complete [*] Designed new bosses and mini bosses rooms [*] Worked on new mission cutscenes [*] Made a lot of improvements in the platform perspective, props and decorations for a better playing experience [*] Implemented new animations for enemies, NPC's and combat [*] Improvements on the UI [/list] This past month has also been pivotal in refining the overarching narrative and design, with new concepts and ideas being brought to the table and meticulously documented. And that's all for today! Have a great day, 2Awesome Studio & Critical Reflex [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/e6ead59d8644714757f4c3e03327a57553722fb3.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/96c14897336160cc08e86b3bf151ee69711d6e3d.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/311d37b263cd167cf21714cbf1b6968edcd948d4.png[/img][/url]