File #06 // May update + Nordic Games 2024

Altered Alma

Altered Alma combines the beloved classic Metroidvania formula with RPG elements, dating sim features, a slick pixel-art presentation, and a gripping story. Whether you want to beat up bad guys, find love, or just explore the beautiful cyberpunk cityscape, Neo Barcelona awaits!

Hey there, awesome gang: Hope you're all kicking off the year in high spirits! The journey from the year's start till now has been a whirlwind for us. [b]We reached 1800+ followers on our Kickstarter campaign[/b]; [i][b]THANK YOU SO MUCH!!![/b][/i] Your support has been amazing, and we are happy to announce we are close to launching it — the reveal of tiers, rewards and all the cool stuff is coming soon!! [url=]Follow us on Kickstarter[/url] if you haven’t already to stay informed when we do so. [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/bd3b760ff0cdb8112b0467866a117c91fbdbd3b3.png[/img][/url] We also hope all of you also had an amazing and rocking year so far. We have more updates and exciting news for you. Let’s get started!! [b]We are heading to Malmö, baby!![/b] We’re super excited to assist the [b]Nordic Game 2024[/b], and guess what? We’re not showing up empty-handed – [b]we’ve got a playable DEMO in tow[/b]. That’s right!! [b]From May 21st to the 24th[/b], join us if you happen to be there as we hit the streets of Neo-Barcelona and let us know what you think. [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/41f3b1b3156aecdddd3175ac9e614eb9bbc8378e.png[/img][/url] The event will take place in [b]Malmö, Sweden[/b] at the [b]Slagthuset complex[/b] ([i][u]Booth DSS-25[/u][/i]), we are excited to see you there and hear you about what you think about Altered Alma, we will be waiting for you. We made lots of changes and improvements from the feedback we received from past events and Q&A Sessions. Your words are never lost in the wind, and we take them into account for future updates. [b]Speaking of improvements:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Jack’s new hacking skills[/b] brought new combos and attack options to the table, and now they include [b]Status effects.[/b] You have many ways to attack and defend yourself in the dangerous alleys of Neo Barcelona, and while we don’t want to spoil future surprises, we can tell you that status effects will be a part of the special attacks and skills we’ll reveal in the future. [img][/img] Jack’s bombs don’t only deal explosive damage – now they can leave a lasting [b]Pyro status[/b] effect on the environment and nearby enemies that burns and damages enemies that come in contact with the flames. And if grenades are not an option because of the close distance? Wear a temporary flaming shield that protects Jack and burns enemies that get a little too close. Warm and cozy. [img][/img] You can also use attacks with a [b]Cryo status[/b] to freeze enemies in place; whether it’s a cryo bomb or a freezing [b]360-degree explosion[/b] around Jack, they will give you some chill time to plan your next movement. [img][/img] And sometimes you don't have to keep your feet on the ground, climbing and jumping are great options for getting around, this way you'll have a better ability to explore all the corners of the city and have the High Ground against your opponents.Walls are not only to stop bullets, they are also a great way of moving around. [h3]Dev Update: May Progress[/h3] A huge shoutout to everyone who’s been hanging on the last events and our Discord Q&A sessions. Your input has been invaluable, helping us fine-tune the game to make it even better. We’ve been writing down notes like crazy during these events, and we can’t wait to put them to good use as we polish up the final game. And a special thanks to all the brave souls who’ve already taken Neo-Barcelona for a spin and shared their honest thoughts with us in the previous events– you rock! [list] [*] [b]The Ramblas Area[/b] is now complete and ready to explore. [*] [b]The Romance System[/b] is now running. Make the right choices and you may have a partner for the next Valentine’s day. [*] We also polished Jack's character controller in order to have a more precise movement control over the character. [*] [b]The Killshifts[/b], those sweet executions Jackelyne can perform are now easier to make, and easier to enjoy. [*] Implemented new animations for enemies, NPC's and combat [/list] And that’s all for now, guys! Stay tuned for updates! And that’s all for now! For all questions you may have, we encourage you to join our next [url=]Q&A session on Discord[/url] — the date is still to be determined, but our public form is now open to everyone. See you in our next entry, 2Awesome Studio & Critical Reflex [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/5e11844cc2fede2df446da84d01b3abda894c640.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/e6ead59d8644714757f4c3e03327a57553722fb3.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/96c14897336160cc08e86b3bf151ee69711d6e3d.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237868/311d37b263cd167cf21714cbf1b6968edcd948d4.png[/img][/url]