Feb 2021 Patch Notes

New World Horizon

New World Horizon is a 16th century role playing stand alone adventure for the PC. It features a massive open world to explore by land and sea for hunting, fishing, mining, lumbering, house construction and farming.

We had several patches this week, so I wanted to give a quick summary here. First, I have removed the speech from the npcs as my voice acting quality was very poor and it wasnt really worth slowing up the dialog system which is now very quick to skip right over those long winded storylines. We have managed to get all the old Combat Skills into the new directional swing system while maintaining the freedom of movement on all skills with the exception of the spin attacks that still leave the player in place while attacking. We will continue testing as it has somewhat lowered the difficulty of combat slightly, but the change does seem to be much more fast placed, removing the clunky stop and go actions from the old combat system. We have changed the vaulting and climbing skill so now it should only attempt a climb while Holding "Run" and Pressing Forward. As the run key was pulling double duty with the camera zoom, it made camera navigation difficult up close around the npcs. We have also added a tool tip popup to many of the non tool based skills that I think alot of players might have been missing - Opening Hatches, Harvesting Plants, Disabling Traps, Reloading and Firing Cannons. Im sure Ive missed many more, but with it in place it should be easy to add in the rest as we rediscover them. And Finally. A Level of Detail System! How we made it this far without one is beyond me, anyways, you should now see a more properly reduced resolution as objects move away from the player. The reduction does appear to really give a nice boost to performance. As always, If ya find anything wrong or any ideas on how to make things better, hit me up, I love hearing from ya all. Hope you all enjoy the update, stay safe and good hunting!!