Battle against fearsome raid bosses alone! Uncover your past in Aritas, a sinister world ravaged by ancient Gods of the Realm Below. This ARPG features 9 class specializations, hundreds of unique items, a vast array of skills, complex character progression, and intense Raidboss encounters.
Hello, everyone!~~ 👋
We've been receiving a lot of questions about the game recently, so we want to take a moment to address some of the most frequently asked ones. Here's what you need to know.
[b]Is there a demo?[/b]
No there currently isn't a Demo out. We plan to release the Demo in Fall 2024
[b]Is there a Release Date?[/b]
We plan to release into Early Access in 2025
[b]How do I sign up for playtesting?[/b]
We do all testing over Discord you can join [url=]here[/url]
[b]Will the game have controller support?[/b]
The game will feature full controller support on Early Access launch
[b]What were your inspirations?[/b]
The main inspirations were Diablo, Grim Dawn, World of Warcraft and Path of Exile.
[b]Does it support 4K / Ultrawide monitors?[/b]
[b]Is there multiplayer or co-op?[/b]
No, the game is singleplayer
[b]Will there be achievements?[/b]
Yes once the game launches into Early Access
We're always posting minor updates on Twitter, so if you want to stay up to date with the game, be sure to follow us [url=]here.[/url] 😊
Thank you all for being a part of this incredible journey. ✨❤️✨
Bardh & Burim