Expanding the House Release Notes and Quick Patch

Welcome to Expanding the House! Notable Additions: - Enable/Disable sweeping maids from the in-game options menu - New option on the in-game menu: Warnings [b]Warning about warnings![/b] Disabling warnings is for advanced players as it will disable the following warning popups to speed the game up. ----- Warning that the game will enter the Employ phase if you try to employ a maid from town before playing all your maids "Do you want to end your turn? You still have X love to spend." Warning when playing Love Cards when you still have servings available with a playable maid. ----- - Added zazz all over the place, updated animations and sound effects. So zazzy! - Minor update to Francine's card text for clarity. You must have two "2 Love" cards in your hand for her ability to work. 1.1.1 r1 - Fixes to some bad single player goal settings and changed a few goals around - AI should no longer employ Lily Gardens when they shouldn't be able to - Multiplayer: returning Domino to town should allow play to continue as normal - Fix the "Double Grace" level - Fix Domino's ability not counting towards a star Currently looking into possible Domino cloning during multiplayer and anything that may disrupt the turn order during multiplayer. Thanks for the reports everyone!