Everafter Falls Monthly Development Log - October

Everafter Falls

Rediscover the simple life. Farm, fish, forge and fight to restore the peace in an all-new farming adventure. Features split-screen coop, a helpful pet, automated drones, resourceful pixies, a card-eating progression system, and dangerous dungeons to delve into!

Hey, farmers! I’m Joseph, the Community Manager at Akupara Games and I wanted to introduce our newest devlog series: The Everafter Falls Monthly Development Log. With Everafter Falls, coming closer every day, I want to pull pack the development veil to show off some of the coolest changes coming your way when the game launches Soon™ Every month until the launch of Everafter Falls, I will talk with Ou, the developer of Everafter Falls about what they have been working on just to keep all of you in the loop on the biggest and best changes. [h2][b]What’s new?[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Pooklets[/b][/h3] As a way to add some variation and interesting points to the dungeons, you’ll encounter these little creatures along the way. Previously named Omobys, these Pooklets have made it into the game in the dungeons. They are randomly scattered throughout each level and upon clearing the room and rescuing them, you get a choice of 3 stat boosting potions. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/3028a3c861170371f423a7e37731576b1178d3ca.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/39423a2dedcddfb60708757789c04488ce343d1d.png[/img] [h3][b]Mini boss rooms[/b][/h3] While in the current alpha testing phase, Ou has found that players are spending a lot of time in the dungeons and there is a lot of room to improve that experience. These mini boss rooms offer up a challenge every now and drop better equipment than you would usually find from chests. For those that really enjoy a challenge, a Hard Mode has been added, unlocked upon completion of the game. Conversely, if you’d rather a more relaxed and leisurely experience, an Easy Mode is also available. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/dac51ae4e9e801d23e1f6e8201ef1ba4a4263e67.png[/img] [h3][b]Pixie Friend[/b][/h3] Upon releasing a certain amount of pixies, you can have a little pixie friend follow you around. By meetings certain targets for releasing pixies, you’ll also be able to bestow blessings onto your pixie friend. These are permanent buffs such as increasing the number of mushrooms that grow, or increasing the number of items your farm animals produce. Up to 3 blessings can be earned, and you can stack the same ones! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/d2f47bfe6e9c7f04ee49f8053ed9a887f1112709.png[/img] [h3][b]Spooklet Debt Collector[/b][/h3] Previously, when losing all your HP in the dungeons, a Spooklet rescues you, taking 10% of your gold. After feedback from players, this system seemed to encourage players to spend and keep their gold total low before entering the dungeons. To address this, spooklets will take a fixed amount of gold, depending on the level of the dungeons you are in. If you do not have enough gold, a Spooklet guard will block entry back into the dungeons until the debt is settled (plus 20% extra for the trouble). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/74cbbff00d1a71772d590c9309d23a30154b4395.png[/img] [h3][b]The Job Board[/b][/h3] For some extra income, players can take on jobs from villagers to earn gold. It gives players some extra goals to achieve in between quests. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/451fb7ae8d251c85b0d8171a8168ab0993976c1c.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Giant Lotuses[/b][/h3] Farming giant lotuses is a rewarding and lucrative path, however getting them will be tricky. Lotus pods (the final stage of development of a lotus plant) can be thrown into water to create a new lotus plant of a random color. Not only do you need to create a 3x3 grid of lotus plants, they must all be the same color. Only then is there a chance for a giant lotus to form (currently at 3% per day). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/2ab411b97077f14894df2f883c7542bb28212a3a.png[/img] [h3][b]Here is a big couch[/b][/h3] That’s it. Ou added a big couch. It’s comfy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/a71a6ef9ecc56af3558f17b6718b4d371c7f8ea8.png[/img] [h3][b]Non gameplay developments[/b][/h3] The new reduced color palette option seems to be quite popular. Although intended as an accessibility setting for when color overload can cause eye fatigue, some prefer this toned down palette over the original. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/8b222b60b4470d0d699cc001a9d505b29cc09c36.png[/img] The color picker for character customization has been introduced in addition to the default palette set available. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/9c7473c6828f333818ae908b78695daae6fb6265.png[/img] [h3][b]Funny Bugs[/b][/h3] Fruits available even out of season [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/637ee7365ca0f45a7de9899efb60fbaa27bc92a3.png[/img] It’ll be a while before it’s ready… [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/04449fbcf185e6ee12990abe817f7fa4a2582afa.png[/img] NPC’s walking on water? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/ce2a63468a5bd87e2ee64fe2997e16a66873e0f3.png[/img] The deadly +2 attack legendary rare drop [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/6ee54ae30d7c4fcad2b343817ff4eafc214b247c.png[/img] Man the winds are strong over here. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/69238dd22b0d19d402b971c50725b78a155c8731.png[/img] That NPC above taught players how to walk on water too… [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/18c76c2a64adf40d54e9968e7bd074c0d4c27413.png[/img] A new quest is available [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/112ba96151af6a587ab3067a5e72496c7d507838.png[/img] [h2][b]Looking ahead[/b][/h2] A lot of work has been put into reworking and balancing both the dungeon difficulty curve and the economy. While a lot of changes have been made (some quite drastically,) Ou feels this will be a point of focus going forward and will continue right up until release. “I am finding this the most difficult part of development but something I am committed to getting right. I am extremely grateful to the dedicated group of players who are helping me to achieve this,” Ou told me [h3][b]In the works[/b][/h3] Finding time in between fixing all the bugs being discovered to work on new content is still a little tough right now. One such area being worked on is the Sacred Tree. It is unlocked after completing the core story and will be different from how you develop your farm. Tiles are inaccessible at first, apart from a small area around the tree. Planting the seeds you harvest from this tree will create flowers that unlock the tiles directly surrounding it. You’ll be able to slowly grow the area and fill it with a wide assortment of flowers (which you can take back to grow on your farm). At the extremities of this area lay access to some unique rewards, so your choice in which direction to expand towards matters. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38713278/345ec34e1aad3cba4dd4b272d5308c13e22babe0.png[/img] [h3][b]Snippet of future feature[/b][/h3] The Ability to enhance Equipment is in the planning stages, which would be really helpful if you want to make it far in the infinite dungeon challenge. Ou often gives updates and sneak peeks to what they are working on in the [url=https://discord.gg/akuparagames]Akupara Discord[/url]! - Riv Otter