Everafter Fall Live Stream Tomorrow and Friday

Everafter Falls

Rediscover the simple life. Farm, fish, forge and fight to restore the peace in an all-new farming adventure. Features split-screen coop, a helpful pet, automated drones, resourceful pixies, a card-eating progression system, and dangerous dungeons to delve into!

Hey, farmers! I’m super happy seeing the excitement for Everafter Fall. My good friend Fae, the social media manager, will be streaming Everafter Fall here on Steam in celebration of Steam Next Fest! She will be live tomorrow 10am PST and on Friday at 10am PST! The Everafter Falls demo will be available until June 26th! Feel free to leave feedback on the demo [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1416960/discussions/2/]here[/url] and if you enjoyed the demo, be sure to give us a wishlist! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1416960/Everafter_Falls/ -riv otter