Everafter Falls is releasing on June 20th!

Everafter Falls

Rediscover the simple life. Farm, fish, forge and fight to restore the peace in an all-new farming adventure. Features split-screen coop, a helpful pet, automated drones, resourceful pixies, a card-eating progression system, and dangerous dungeons to delve into!

Hey farmers, [i]Everafter Falls[/i] is releasing on June 20th! https://youtu.be/ustgi3e5lhQ Join us on June 20th as we’ll open up [i]Everafter Falls[/i] to you. What, you don’t remember me? Oh yeah, the slight memory loss is a normal side effect of returning after your simulation on Earth. You should recover those memories in time. Remember when you used to relax by farming on your beautiful plot, fishing in the many rivers and lakes, mining in the dangerous dungeons, crafting the best items, and more. I have saved a couple progression cards for us to enjoy once you get back! Come on, get up! All your friends and your PET are waiting for you! Oh you aren’t ready for the simulation to end yet? I understand. I’ll be waiting for you on June 20th to check up on you. -riv otter