Epistory dev s Algo Bot swaps typing for coding

Algo Bot

Algo Bot is puzzle game that takes place deep inside the Europa, a pan-galactic colonisation ship, where a recycling mission goes horribly wrong. Use your algorithm special skills to command Algo Bot, a service droid, and help PAL, a cantankerous line manager, to contain the crisis.

Algo Bot

I’ve never entirely understood the appeal of games featuring programming elements. They ask you to enact one of the trickiest parts of development, but without rewarding you with a finished game at the end. Algo Bot – a new puzzler from the developers of horsey type-’em-up Epistory, which Pip enjoyed a fair bit – features programming, but wraps it up in an attractive sci-fi world where WALL-E-esque robots bicker in gleaming spaceship hallways. It’s out now on Steam for $8.99/$6.47.
