Episode 2 - Diceroll With A Vengeance is coming Q2 2024!

Project Absentia

Play as an angel known as Abby in this retro shooter based on flash cartoons and sprite comics of days gone by focused on interactivity, verticality and cool weapons.

Greetings! We have some major news for Project Absentia. Episode 2 is happening and is aiming for a release date for Quarter 2 of 2024. Abby returns as she finds her actions lead to more than she bargained for. [previewyoutube=VBzID_g70mk;full][/previewyoutube] There's gonna be new weapons - the Popper and the Six-Pack Shotgun, new enemies - the Hell Faction's got powerful, crazy enemies like the teleporting cultists, the plasma-volleying, ground smashing Doogs, dynamite and molotov-throwing mobsters, plasma-ripping punk boars, and a giant sexy goat lady voiced by VoiceQuills. Oh, and someone is seeking vengeance on you as well and is going to the ends of this world to find you. Also several quality of life bugfixes to the engine and game codebase to help future-proof Project Absentia. We're looking to see about possibly releasing that for Episode 1 down the line to hold people over. We want to thank Uncle Had (no relation) for cooking up this kickass trailer. Cheers, everyone!