Episode 1 Version 1.7 Released!

Project Absentia

Play as an angel known as Abby in this retro shooter based on flash cartoons and sprite comics of days gone by focused on interactivity, verticality and cool weapons.

Episode 1 has been given a major overhaul - 1.7. Both the demo and the episode 1 early access have been updated. Here's a list of changes: [list] [*] Uses in-house GZDoom fork named Griddle. Still compatible with stock GZDoom for the most part [*] Under the hood changes for better stability and scalability for Episode 2 [*] Rewrote how the bosses do their arena battles to help facilitate modding with different arena effects [*] Fixed some oddities with the Episode 1 levels [*] Abby's hairstyle has been given a new look (Important) [*] One-liner audio ducking [*] New menu font, a WIP new menu (will be much better for Episode 2's launch) [*] Some more dynamic pain states for some of the enemies [*] Fix that annoying bug where if abby freezes her head spins and the camera with it, endlessly. [*] Episode 1 Soundtrack is compressed better, making for an overall smaller game (thank god for Ogg Vorbis) [/list] This is not compatible with previous save states and was one of the reasons we were waiting a while to release this. For episode 2 we hope to have a solution to this issue for good. As for Episode 2, we've been working on it slowly but surely. We will be doing a writeup within the month about what our plans are, but for now just enjoy Episode 1 with some nice overhauls. Thank you for your patience and enjoy Episode 1 Version 1.7.