Episode 1 v2 + Demo v2 Beta 7 out

Project Absentia

Play as an angel known as Abby in this retro shooter based on flash cartoons and sprite comics of days gone by focused on interactivity, verticality and cool weapons.

Greetings! Project Absentia Episode 1 and the Demo have new beta branches out. If these work out well, it will be the last beta before Version 2 of Episode 1 is released. Here's some fixed: [list] [*] Update Griddle to 1.5.3 [*] Make PA usable with stock GZDoom and VKDoom once again [*] Fix some minor quality of life features/tutorial stuff in E1M1 [*] Minor fixes to E1M2 [/list] Use the beta branch functionality to access it. Hopefully soon it will be available to all. As for Episode 2, we're working on it - and making good progress. We're going to make a formal announcement soon to show what we're working on. Thank you for your patience, and we hope you have fun with this version of Project Absentia.