Engineers' Update - 30/11/2015 Patch Notes

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution

The world’s first MOSA (Multiplayer Online Sports Arena) is now available on Steam Early Access!

This update is about Build .564 . [h1]First, what is the "Engineers' Update" [/h1] The Engineers' Update is a 2 months development run conducted with talented programmers to rework the way the puck and the grab are handled in the game, add lag compensation features, and also refactor a large part of the code on this subject. [h1]What have been done so far[/h1] [b]Grab mechanics:[/b] [list][*]The whole grab/shot/pass mechanic has been reworked. [*]The number of frames required to activate a power has been reduced. Now it's pretty much instantaneous on the records to perform an action. Few examples: [b]Additional Features:[/b] A lag icon has been added in the game. This lag icon has two version: [list][*]The first one appear if an action has been rejected from the server and you have more than 95ms lag. Basically, you try to grab the puck, but as you lag the puck was not at this location anymore when you tried and the grab failed. You should see this icon to let you know that if failed due to your lag. [*]The second version appear when the puck does something on your screen which is not what the server authorized. For example, player [b]A[/b] shot the puck into the net, on his client the puck go through the net rebounce and run out without scoring a goal. In fact, player [b]B[/b] have grabbed the puck and stop the shot but it took some time for his client to send this information to the server. The puck will be given to player's [b]B[/b] hands on player's [b]A[/b] client and a lag icon will appear to let him know the shot has been refused and where is the puck.[/list] [b]Bug fixes:[/b] [list][*]There is now a limit of time you can hold the puck without a confirmation of the server. There the puck location will be force-updated on your client removing the mess when you hold the puck in a wrong place. [*]Hiro's secondary is now fixed and shot the puck properly. [*]Goalie shield bug on respawn should now be properly fixed![/list] A special thanks to all the testers who helped improving this upgrade of the game.