“Ed-0: Zombie Uprising” Patch Notes Version 0.8.1

Ed-0: Zombie Uprising

"Oedo x Zombie x Rogue-like" A rogue-like action where traditional Japanese characters (Samurai, Sumo Wrestler, and Ninja) destroy hordes of zombies. Since everything is randomly generated, no run will be the same. Decision making will be essential but there are some RPG elements as well.

Hello, Thank you for playing “Ed-0: Zombie Uprising” Early Access. We have started distributing the latest update patch to fix the following bugs and improve the stability of the gameplay. When this patch is applied, the version on the upper right of the title screen will be 0.8.1. ●Bug Fixing: - Fixed a bug where throwing items sometimes did not hit the "Blazers” - Changed the behavior of the “Tentacled” when they sting you with their tentacles - Fixed a bug in which the delay effect was not removed when the "Tentacled" were defeated - Fixed a bug in the final battle of Stage 5 where loading would not finish - Fixed a bug in the final battle of Stage 5 that caused enemies to move to locations unreachable by the player - Fixed a bug that caused the size of "Korori" to be extremely small during the boss battle in Stage 6 - Fixed a bug in the boss battle in Stage 8 where it was difficult to hit the enemies with the cannon - Fixed a bug in which invalid items with a price of 0 were sold at the shrine where items could be purchased - Fixed a bug that caused unintentional slow motion to continue when using Ninja Matoka - Fixed the behavior of some bosses - Fixed other minor bugs ●Balance Adjustments: - Fine-tuned the behavior of the boss in Stage 6 - Changed the amount of Zen Gauge that accumulates when being attacked to a percentage of total Vitality - In stages 5-8, minor adjustments to the overall status of enemies along the way - Eliminated traps in all quests on the "STANDARD" difficulty level - Added “HELP” to stage gimmick for stage 7 boss battle - Adjusted the boss in Stage 7 to have an attackable gap depending on their strength status - Enhanced the attack detection of Ninja Matoka's normal light attacks - Adjusted the overall combat balance We will continue to update additional elements and make balance adjustments as part of the process of polishing the game, and we really appreciate your continued support and cooperation!! Team Ed-Zero Tell us about the game in the official Discord! https://discord.gg/4dMMPXqKV3