“Ed-0: Zombie Uprising” Early Access Bonus Announcement

Ed-0: Zombie Uprising

"Oedo x Zombie x Rogue-like" A rogue-like action where traditional Japanese characters (Samurai, Sumo Wrestler, and Ninja) destroy hordes of zombies. Since everything is randomly generated, no run will be the same. Decision making will be essential but there are some RPG elements as well.

Hello, Thank you for playing “Ed-0: Zombie Uprising” Early Access. We are pleased to announce the release of our latest trailer, which covers some scenes of the influencers’ game play, one of the new elements to be added in the full game “EDO Shader,” and the introduction of the Early Access bonus. Please note that those of you who purchased the Early Access will automatically receive an additional mini-quest “Rounding Up Thieves” when the full game launches. Since the full release will include many other additional new features, we hope you will continue to wait for a little while. Thank you, Team Ed-Zero Tell us about the game in the official Discord! https://discord.gg/4dMMPXqKV3