"Ed-0 MANGA" Goes Live Today!

Ed-0: Zombie Uprising

"Oedo x Zombie x Rogue-like" A rogue-like action where traditional Japanese characters (Samurai, Sumo Wrestler, and Ninja) destroy hordes of zombies. Since everything is randomly generated, no run will be the same. Decision making will be essential but there are some RPG elements as well.

Hello, Today, the "Ed-0 MANGA," a prequel to "Ed-0: Zombie Uprising," has been released! This MANGA tells the prequel to the main game about the three Zom-beings, Mumyo, Raiden, and Matoka. Their backgrounds and origins will be revealed, so check out the first episode right away! (Plan to release three episodes in all) https://www.d3p.co.jp/ed-0/Manga/en Also updated the Strategy Guide today, which is full of useful information for zombie hunting! This Strategy Guide is packed with basic information, tips on how to play, recommended builds, and others! Will keep updating the guide. https://www.d3p.co.jp/ed-0/Strategy-Guide/en Thank you, Team Ed-Zero