New Day is an upcoming life simulation game where almost anything can happen! Create your own islanders, design their apartments, and get involved with their day-to-day life as they divulge into unexpected friendships, problems, and more!
[h1]( Bug-Fixes )[/h1]
[*] Fixed a bug that caused the Room Editor to not allow you to properly save your rooms, which resulted in bugged cloned rooms.
[*] Removed Fryc.
[h1]( Additions/Improvements )[/h1]
[h2][ Minor ][/h2]
[*] Changed the skintone of the mannequin in Knits Shop to be more "Grey" than "White" so that it's more visible on lower graphical settings.
[*] Added the ability to delete rooms in The Room Editor.
[*] Makeup will now appear on your islander on the title screen.
[*] You're now allowed to use other characters in your islander's names. The restrictions have been lifted!