Early Access Update 5 (04/20/2017)

Catch a Lover

Catch a Lover - a multiplayer game for 2-4 players in which one plays the role of the husband, who needs to catch wife's lover. Lover at the same time, should do everything to find a way out of the house.

[b]New:[/b] [list] [*]Added Wife and Lover random respawn points [*]Husband can hide tazer (Press Q to hide tazer) [*]Now when the dog barks at lover,he is highlighted for everybody [*]Added pepper spray for Wife. You can blind the Husband and the dog. Also, you can hide it (Press Q to hide pepper spray) [*]The map was extended [/list] Fixed: [list] [*]Now you can't get stuck in the door of the safe [*]Fixed voice widget when Wife talking [*]Bug when husband shot the wife and shot passed through her [/list]