Early-Access Playtest #1


Bodycam is the first ultra-realistic multiplayer, first-person shooter game made using the latest technologies of the next-gen game engine Unreal Engine 5. Get ready to dive into fast-paced Bodycam actions, where every bullet counts and every choice can decide over the victory or loss of your team.

[b][h3]PLAYTEST INFORMATION[/h3][/b] [b]First join our Discord Server[/b] : [url=https://discord.com/invite/reissadStudio]Click Here[/url] The first [b]official playtest session[/b] will be taking place on sunday, [b]January 21st at 0 AM[/b] (UTC+1). This phase is open to everyone wishing to participate and will be going on [b]for 24 hours after opening[/b], meaning until January [b]22 at 0 AM[/b] (UTC+1). The main purpose of this phase is for our team to receive as much feedback from the players as possible to know what to fix and improve. Also it should be noted that the game [b]is in early access[/b] and that we will announce a [b]road map soon[/b]! If encounter any [b]bug or want to give us any feedback[/b], please make sure to read further to see how to report that to us. For this phase, the Steam system will once again randomly accept people between the registered access requests. We will try and set the number of accepted players as fair as possible for everyone to [b]get a chance to experience Bodycam.[/b] [b][h3]OUR ANSWERS TO YOUR POTENTIAL QUESTIONS[/h3] [/b] ➡️ [b]How do I participate in the stress-test debug and/or playtest phase?[/b] Like last time, on [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2406770/Bodycam/]Bodycam's Steam page[/url] you will see a new banner saying [b]"Play the Bodycam Playtest now!"[/b], with a green "Play Now" button. Clicking on it will send a request to be accepted. [b]Also click on the button above wishlisting Bodycam greatly helps us[/b], so be sure to do it if you haven't already! We will use Steam's system which [b]will randomly[/b] select a number of people [b]to accept[/b]. Please note that [b]we don't have any control over the random selection system.[/b] ➡️ [b]What will I be able to discover?[/b] As the stress-test phase we organized last week, you will only be able to play on a [b]limited[/b] set of three maps: Worn House, Russian Building and Airsoft House. The two main games modes we developed, solo deathmatch and team deathmatch, are fully available during the playtest. ➡️ [b]How much storage do I need to download the playtest version?[/b] The new playtest version size should be near last week's one, but as we are currently fixing some issues, the size might be a bit bigger. [b]Try to save 20 GB of free space[/b] on your disc to ensure you'll be able to download the game. ➡️ [b]How do I report bugs or give feedbacks to the developers?[/b] First [b]join our Discord Server[/b] : [url=https://discord.com/invite/reissadStudio]Click Here[/url] Like last week, we will be using two new channels: ⁠[b]🔧┆bugs-playtest[/b], where you will be able to report any kind of bugs or things you judge that has to be noticed by the developers. If you don't have any bugs to report but still want to give any feedback, please make sure to do so in ⁠[b]🚧┆feedback-playtest.[/b] Once again, that's it! If you have any other questions please make sure to ask it in the general chat. For those who weren't part of last week's stress-test, we sincerely hope you will all like discovering [b]Bodycam for the first time[/b]. And for all the people who will come back and play, [b]we hope you'll all have a great time![/b] [b]The Reissad Studio Team[/b] [previewyoutube=YXYWeANV-XI;full][/previewyoutube]