[Early Access] General Polishing #4

BlackJack Math Trainer

Level up your BlackJack mathematic skills along with discovering many secrets, features and challenges!

[h1]Summary of Update[/h1] A number of menu items are now visible, though not yet usable. Steam Cloud implementation and UI Updates. Build 2.2.2 [b]Train Mode[/b] [list] [*]UI Menu Items now have gold borders [*]Balance Button now visible. [i]Not yet usable.[/i] [*]Convert Button now visible. [i]Not yet usable.[/i] [*]Implemented a border around the 678 combo dominos [/list] [b]Leaderboard[/b] [list] [*]UI Menu Items now have gold borders [*]Fixed margining of rank numbers [*]Scores are now formatted properly with commas. [i]Especially useful when reading larger scores.[/i] [/list] [b]Main Menu[/b] [list] [*]Store now visible. [i]Not yet usable.[/i][i]This will be where you can buy upgrades such as custom card back art, backgrounds and more. [/i] [*]UI Menu Items now have gold borders [/list] In addition to the above, Steam Cloud has been implemented to pave the way for player $ balances for its use in the upcoming BlackJack mode and the Store. A reminder that there will be NO microtransactions; all purchases made will be done with in-game currency. [i]We have quite a large update coming up next in 2.3![/i] [b]In Build 2.3, expect:[/b] [i]Learn Function - Completed Gold Line - Introduced + Completed (Unique Soundtrack and Features) [/i] As always, questions, comments and feedback are all welcome. Thank you!