[Early Access] BlackJack Mode Now Playable

BlackJack Math Trainer

Level up your BlackJack mathematic skills along with discovering many secrets, features and challenges!

[h1]Summary of Update[/h1] A number of bugs addressed in the trainer. New features added. BlackJack mode playable [i](still incomplete)[/i] Build 2.2.3 [b]Train Mode[/b] [list] [*]CONVERT button is now usable. Pushing it converts your score to usable chips for BlackJack Mode. You must have a score higher than 0 to use it. [i]FYI: THE CONVERT BUTTON CONVERTS YOUR ENTIRE SCORE, CURRENTLY NO OPTION FOR PARTIAL CONVERSIONS.[/i] [*]BALANCE now updates in real-time as you convert your score to chips [*]Fixed a bug where a BlackJack followed by a 678 feature combo would result in never being able to trigger Red-Line again [/list] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6447ac096477645d67b488b0/4edc23d3-1751-4012-af6f-00b12434b950/blackJack_convert1.png?format=750w[/img] [b]Main Menu[/b] [list] [*]BlackJack Mode button no longer disabled [/list] [b]BlackJack Mode[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where Dealer would hit on 17, 18, 19 or 20 based on probability [*]Fixed ace recognition [*]Steam cloud saved balance [i](keep your balance even after uninstall)[/i] [/list] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6447ac096477645d67b488b0/c71a8258-5dd2-42d3-9fe8-cf9e4180d69a/blackJack_convert3.png?format=750w[/img] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6447ac096477645d67b488b0/6be1271d-91ed-460c-bdf5-2246603fce42/blackJack_convert2.png?format=750w[/img] [b] Features To Come for BlackJack Mode[/b] > Split Option > Double Down Option > Surrender Option > Bet Pairs > Bet on Dealer Bust > Options Menu for BlackJack Mode > Music for BlackJack Mode > Custom Dealers ? [b]CHIPS[/b] These will be used to buy upgrades & customizations from the game's store. There will also be a leaderboard for the user with the largest BlackJack Balance. [b]Current Known Issues With BlackJack Mode[/b] > Sometimes the chip animation upon loss can be a bit funky swinging around unpredictably. > The BlackJack animations occur too fast > Sometimes the game will think you want to bet $0.00 Build 2.3 is still going to be a big update with previously mentioned updates, but this one takes the cake as it has been an in-demand feature since release! As always, questions, comments and feedback are all welcome. Thank you!