Early Access Build #900

Time Wasters

Time Wasters is a space shooter bullet heaven roguelite. Equip and upgrade weapons, destroy swarms of enemies, and collect Time & Space Cubes to bend the timeline to your advantage.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43509051/2d3bb0a818af861310e4fe11b95e57bfe408f653.png[/img] [h3]New Corrosia Loyalty Challenge: Slime Planets[/h3] [list] [*] Earn a Solo Victory with Corrosia to unlock the Slime Planets Challenge [*] Location: Corrosia's Home Planet [*] Escort The Colony Transport Ships To Establish New Planets [*] An Impossible Horde Will Appear After Wave 120 [*] Gold Per Pickup -0.85 [*] New music track [*] Added a Total Planets Colonized stat to the End of Run Summary [*] Endless mode disabled for this challenge [*] New Loyalty icon will replace Solo after earning a Slime Planets Victory [*] To play, select Corrosia as the Captain then select Slime Planets from the Select A Challenge screen [*] Added Unlock Missions & Steam Achievement [*] More Loyalty Challenges may be added in future updates [/list] [b]Loyal Crew Corrosia[/b] [list] [*] Get a Slime Planets Challenge Victory with Corrosia to unlock [*] Loyal Crew Corrosia can immediately join the crew at the start of a run [*] Corrosia must be selected as Available As Crew in Space Cube Upgrades to join your crew [/list] [b]Pause Screen[/b] [list] [*] Details Tab - Added Crew section to show Selected Crew, Available As Crew & Banished Crew [/list] [b]Boss Rush Challenge[/b] [list] [*] New music track [/list] [b]Performance Optimizations[/b] [list] [*] Enemies & Elites will only fire destructible bullets when on-screen [*] Elite bullets will despawn faster when they are off-screen [*] Elite Snake Ship collider and movement optimizations [/list]