e1.17 hotfix #2

A Day Out

A Day Out is a monster-hunting and case-solving co-op third person shooter. Capture monsters and discover a new supernatural world with your friends!

[list] [*] Added new ability to Xenoraptor [*] Reworked MISSING OPERATIVES lore [*] Fixed a minor networking-related issue in VILLAGE [*] Fixed a networking-related issue in MISSING OPERATIVES [*] Fixed a small networking-related issue in SWAMPY CRASH [*] Fixed a networking-related issue in TROPICAL GETAWAY [*] Fixed a networking-related issue in DEAD ESTATE [*] Added two new Foundation lore Journals to the FOB [*] Fixed an issue that could cause Sludge Man to instantly kill you [*] Fixed a map issue in Chupacabra Canyon [*] Fixed an issue that could cause a trigger to activate too early in DEAD ESTATE [*] Fixed multiple map-related issues in MURKY MOONSHINE [*] Added better lighting to sewer in MURKY MOONSHINE [*] Removed cave in LIZARD MAN OF SCAPE ORE SWAMP [*] Slightly lowered the Wolf's health [*] Made it slightly easier to find the Bunker's door upon restoring power in Lizard Man case [*] Added two new easter eggs [/list]