Dungeon Tycoon Out Now!

Dungeon Tycoon: Prologue

Build your own dungeon and attract heroes from all over the realm in this free version of Dungeon Tycoon. Grow your business by exploiting every facet of your visitors' dungeon exploration experience. Will you be able to keep your evil dungeon business going?

Here we are, dungeon builders: Dungeon Tycoon is finally out! Thank you to everyone for helping us along the way by trying out the demo, giving your honest feedback on [url=https://discord.gg/2Y2Hme5eBC]Discord[/url], and sharing on social media and with your friends. We hope you enjoy the full version and can’t wait to hear what you think! 👀 [previewyoutube=U7KtueTGNZk;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Available content:[/h3] [list][*] Over 100+ items to unlock. [*] 30 monsters with unique skills and abilities to discover. [*] Discover and summon all 3 realm bosses to attract the mightiest heroes. [*] Over 80+ unique researches to complete. [*] 7 rule-bending enchantment gems to discover. [*] 6 end-game legendary heroes to put your dungeon to the ultimate test. [*] 3 unique realms to unlock and explore. [*] …and endless ways to design your evil dungeon![/list] [h3]Get the game now for $14.99/14,99€ with a 10% launch discount, and save even more with our bundles![/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2400770/Dungeon_Tycoon/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/45579/Dungeon_Tycoon__Supporter_Edition/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/45577/Dungeon_Manager/ Have fun! -Lunheim Studios & Goblinz Publishing